lula generate profile

Lula CLI command reference for lula generate profile.

lula generate profile

Generate a profile OSCAL artifact


Generation of a Profile OSCAL artifact with controls included or excluded from a source catalog/profile.

lula generate profile [flags]


To generate a profile with included controls:
	lula generate profile -s <catalog/profile source> -i ac-1,ac-2,ac-3

To specify the name and filetype of the generated artifact:
	lula generate profile -s <catalog/profile source> -i ac-1,ac-2,ac-3 -o my_profile.yaml

To generate a profile that includes all controls except a list specified controls:
	lula generate profile -s <catalog/profile source> -e ac-1,ac-2,ac-3


  -a, --all                  Include all controls from the source catalog/profile
  -e, --exclude strings      comma delimited list of controls to exclude from the source catalog/profile
  -h, --help                 help for profile
  -i, --include strings      comma delimited list of controls to include from the source catalog/profile
  -o, --output-file string   the path to the output file. If not specified, the output file will be directed to stdout
  -s, --source string        the path to the source catalog/profile

Options inherited from parent commands

  -f, --input-file string   Path to a manifest file
  -l, --log-level string    Log level when running Lula. Valid options are: warn, info, debug, trace (default "info")


  • lula generate - Generate a specified compliance artifact template