Assessment Results

An Assessment Result is an OSCAL model to report on the specific assessment outcomes of a system. In Lula, the validate command creates an assessment-result object to enumerate the assessment of the input controls provided by the component-definition. These are reported as findings that are satisfied or not-satisfied as a result of the observations performed by the Lula validations.

flowchart TD
    A[Assessment Results]-->|compose|C[Finding 1]
    A[Assessment Results]-->|compose|G[Finding 2]
    B(Control)-->|satisfied by|C
    B(Control)-->|satisfied by|G
    C -->|compose|D[Observation 1]
    C -->|compose|E[Observation 2]
    C -->|compose|F[Observation 3]
    G -->|compose|F[Observation 3]
    G -->|compose|H[Observation 4]
    D --> I(Lula Validation A)
    E --> J(Lula Validation B)
    F --> K(Lula Validation C)
    H --> L(Lula Validation D)

Observation Results

Based on the structure outlined, the results of the observations impact the findings, which in turn result in the decision for the control as satisfied or not-satisfied. The observations are aggregated to the findings as and operations, such that if a single observation is not-satisfied then the associated finding is marked as not-satisfied.

The way Lula performs evaluations default to a conservative reporting of a not-satisfied observation. The only satisfied observations occur when a domain provides resources and those resources are evaluated by the policy such that the policy will pass. If a Lula Validation cannot be evaluated then it will by default return a not-satisfied result.

Not-satisfied conditions

The following conditions enumerate when the Lula Validation will result in a not-satisfied evaluation. These cases exclude the case where the Lula validation policy has been evaluated and returned a failure.

  • Malformed Lula validation -> bad validation structure
  • Missing resources -> No resources are found as input to the policy
  • Missing reference -> If a remote or local reference is invalid
  • Executable validations disallowed -> If a validation is executable but has not been allowed to run


The primary structure for Lula production and operation of assessment-results for determinism is as follows:

  • Results are sorted by start time in descending order
  • Findings are sorted by in ascending order
  • Observations are sorted by collected time in ascending order
  • Back Matter Resources are sorted by title in ascending order.

Compliance Evaluation

Lula evaluate serves as a method for verifying the compliance of a component/system to determine if it is more or less compliant than a previous assessment. This enables OSCAL to serve as a quality gate for compliance evaluation - enabling automation and requiring governance of component or system updates.


The term threshold is used in Lula processes and workflows to delineate (optimally) a point-in-time where a component/system was most compliant. In identifying this state, a quality gate can be created to require meeting or exceeding said threshold.

The reason this is crucial is that the previous assessment may not always be the required state. Rather Lula allows capturing provenance for when that state was established and enabling teams to increment Automated Governance workflows. This may be allowing for failures until the assessments have a high level of fidelity in order to parallelize development.

Expected Process

No Existing Data

When no previous assessment exists, the initial assessment is made and stored with lula validate. Lula will automatically apply the threshold prop to the assessment result when writing the assessment result to a file that does not contain an existing assessment results artifact. This initial assessment by itself will always pass lula evaluate as there is no threshold for evaluation, and the threshold prop with be set to true.


  1. lula validate -f component.yaml -o assessment-results.yaml
  2. lula evaluate -f assessment-results.yaml -> Passes with no Threshold -> Establishes Threshold

Existing Data (Intended Workflow)

In workflows run manually or with automation (such as CI/CD), there is an expectation that the threshold exists, and evaluate will perform an analysis of the compliance of the system/component against the established threshold.


  1. lula validate -f component.yaml -o assessment-results.yaml
  2. lula evaluate -f assessment-results.yaml -> Passes or Fails based on threshold

Scenarios for Consideration

Evaluate will determine which result is the threshold based on the following property:

  - name: threshold
    value: "true/false"

Assessment Results Artifact

When evaluate is ran with a single assessment results artifact, it is expected that a single threshold with a true value exists. This will be identified and ran against the latest result to determine if compliance is less-than-equal (fail), equal (pass), or greater-than-equal (pass). When the comparison results in greater-than-equal, Lula will update the threshold prop for the latest result to true and set the previous result threshold prop to false.

Comparing multiple assessment results artifacts

In the scenario where multiple assessment results artifacts are evaluated, there may be a multiple threshold results with a true value as Lula establishes a default true value when writing an assessment results artifact to a new file with no previous results present. In this case, Lula will use the older result as the threshold to determine compliance of the result.