Component Definition

A Component Definition is an OSCAL model for capturing control information that pertains to a specific component/capability of a potential system. It can largely be considered the modular and re-usable model for use across many systems. In Lula, the validate command will process a component-definition, iterate through all implemented-requirements to discover Lula validations, and execute those validations to produce observations.

Components/Capabilities and Control-Implementations

The modularity of component-definitions allows for the specification of one to many components or capabilities that include one to many control-implementations.

By allowing for many control-implementations, a given component or capability can have information as to its compliance with many different regulatory standards.


The primary structure for Lula production and operations of component-definitions for determinism is as follows:

  • Components/Capabilities are sorted by title in ascending order (Case Sensitive Sorting).
  • Control Implementations are sorted by source in ascending order.
  • Implemented Requirements are sorted by control-id in ascending order.
  • Back Matter Resources are sorted by title in ascending order (Case Sensitive Sorting).


Lula can generate OSCAL templates to help with authoring OSCAL artifacts. These generation processes help with initial build and maintenance of OSCAL artifacts and keeps with the vision of modular compliance artifacts that live with the source code.

To generate a component definition, you need the following context:

  • The catalog source -c or --catalog-source; IE
  • The controls from the catalog to map to implemented-requirements / -r or --requirements; ac-1,ac-2,au-5

The following command will generate a component definition with the above context:

lula generate component -c -r ac-1,ac-2,au-5

There are optional flags that can be added to the command to generate a component definition - see lula generate component for details.


The lula generate commands are meant to be reproducible and will auto-merge models based on filename. The intent for this generation is to make it easy to update a given model with automation and only inject human intervention as needed. An artifact generated with lula generate can be merged with a pre-existing artifact of the same model type.

For component-definitions, see each individual control-implementation props for the generation prop. It should look like the following:

  - name: generation
    value: lula generate component --catalog-source --component 'Component Title' --requirements ac-1,ac-3,ac-3.2,ac-4 --remarks assessment-objective

This value should mirror any required inputs in order to reproduce a given control implementation in a component.

Existing Data

The ability to retain data that is put into OSCAL artifacts is of utmost importance to this generation process and also a large feature of continued maintenance of these artifacts. Lula supports the ability to merge newly generated component definition templates into existing component definitions automatically.

By specifying --output or -o and providing an existing file - Lula will perform a merge operation that only overwrites specific fields owned by automation.

Lula performs a match on the component title and the provided catalog source to determine placement and merge of the new implemented requirements. This can be used to updated exiting items or as a method to generation of a single artifacts that contains the data for many components or many control implementations.


./bin/lula generate component -c -r ac-1,ac-3,ac-3.2,ac-4 -o oscal-component.yaml --remarks assessment-objective